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Black-letter Broadside Ballads Of The years 1595-1639

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soap, Turkish, 119 (18)
Sodom, 155, 187 (gf.)
sole, soul, 168 (16)
Solomon, the judgment of, 350
something, somewhat, 74 (5)
somewhither, 242 (11)
sort of, a, company (used of high
rank), 147 (7) sotted, besotted, 43 3 (7) sound, to, swoon, 359 (11) souse, pickled pig, 142 (7) Southwark, an apprentice murdered
in, 223. See Bankside Spain, naval battle of, with Holland,
in 1639, 455; war of, with the
Netherlands in 1621, 139 Spanish tragedy, a, in 1639, 455 sparks, gallants, 271 (2), 394 (1) speed, to make, to have good fortune,
264 (3) spells, the, of witches, 96 Spenser, John, of Chester, 256 spermaceti, 441 (12) spight (spite), a, annoying matter,
calamity, 86 (9), 363 (18) spill, to, ruin, destroy, 321 (17) Spinola, 139, 141 spittle, a, spital, specif. Bridewell,
41 (5), 245 (8), 318(4) spoiled (spoyled), despoiled, 46 (3);
destroyed, 389 (10) sport, amorous dalliance, 50 (2) Sportive Wit, 60 sprats, 31 (2) spread, to be, by racking one's body,
203 (7) spurn, a, blow, kick, 225 (7) spurn point, a game, 37 (25) spurned, kicked, 227 (18) standing, a, the station (of a pedlar's
stall), 120 (26); stopping, delay,
388(5) .
stares, starlings, battles of, 150, 156
states, the, of France, the States General, 26 (4); personal condi­tion, 28 (11)
stay, a, delay, 158 (13); condition or
state, 184 (20) stay, to, appease the appetite, 32 (7); delay, 26 (6), 159 (24); desist, cease, 106 (6); stop, 5 (11), 134 (6); stopped, seized, 27 (8), 142 (7); withhold, 23 (22) stay in, to, remain unchanged (of a
lamp-light), 52 (10) stayed, to be, confined, 378 (16) stealth, a, theft, 253 (12), 273 (6) stiff", strong, stalwart, 169 (22); adv.,
192 (4)
stil'd, distilled, 117 (7)
stile, style, title, 149 (13), where the title meant is "arrant knave"
stitch, to go through, to complete, to prosecute to the end, 411 (4)
stoates, European ermine, 62 (3)
stock, a, tree, 112 (8)
stocks, the, used for swearers, 189
Stoke, alias Francis, Katherine, 300
stool, see close-stool
store, abundance, abundantly, 1 (3), 4 (8), 37 (24), etc.
stoutness, rudeness, 15 (14)
Strafford, Earl of (Thomas Went-worth), 425
strangling twist, a, halter for hanging criminals, 103 (24)
street-cries of London, 30
street-walkers, tirade against, 376
strooke, struck, 87 (14)
Stourbridge (Sturbridge) Fair, Cam­bridgeshire, 65 (23)
suborned, 251 (4)
subtle-pated, 171 (2)
sugar-plum, a, 40 (3)
surfetes, surfeits, disorders due to ex­cessive eating, 167 (n)
Susan and Simon, a jig of, 133
suspect, a, suspicion, 357 (3)
swarue, to, swerve, 68 (8)
sweale, to, swill, drink greedily, 193
(6). swearing, statute against, 189
Sweauian, Swedish, 46 (6)
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